Tag Archives: Marketing

“EXCLUSIVE: socialTNT ‘Finds His Voice’ On Social Media Campaign Trail”

San Francisco – March 3, 2008 On a recent stop on the social media campaign trail, new media PR/Marketing blogger Chris Lynn succumbed to the pressure of an industry full of Luddites and curmudgeons. In the following video, Lynn, editor of socialTNT, can be seen crying as he makes an emotional plea to the PR and Marketing industries to embrace change. Many are calling this a desperate attempt to appear more human, but sources close to Lynn say he was truly moved to tears after reading another puffy press release for an over-hyped product.

Launched six months ago, socialTNT educates the public relations and marketing communities about strategies and practices that use emerging technologies to engage audiences. The blog attracts a diverse readership that includes novices like college students and small business owners, as well as seasoned professionals and social media enthusiasts. Lynn and contributing writer Marie Williams evaluate social media campaigns, review the latest new media tools, and offer tips and tricks into social media strategy.

socialTNT recently announced iTunes distribution for their most popular feature, “3Q’s in 3Min,” a weekly video interview with top reporters, analysts, social media experts, industry leaders and anyone else using the new media tools to promote or market their business.

UPDATED: Mike Keliher over at Unjournalism recorded this response, entitled “Leave socialTNT alone!”

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Filed under Just For Fun, WTF?